Tentaculord 2 released

It took a while, but I finally made Tentaculord 2, a sequel to my last game Tentaculord

Again, it's a game jam submission. This time for NSFW Mini Jam 11. I always wanted to participate in the NSFW Mini Jam, but it never worked out. Either I had a scheduling conflict and couldn't participate, or it had a theme where I just couldn't come up with anything worth making. But this time they dropped the theme "Tentacles". So it would have been a shame not to use this opportunity and make a sequel to my last game.

Of course I didn't just do a reskin. Yes, I am reusing a couple assets. But I made completely new game mechanics. This time the roles are reversed: You don't play as the monster, you play as the girl.

I had a lot less time during this jam. While Strawberry Jam was a whole month, this time I had only 2 weekends and 5 evenings. So this game is a bit less polished than Tentaculord 1. Lots of animations didn't turn out as well as I hoped to. And some details had to be cut to make it in time, most regretfully facial expressions and sounds. But I plan to release a more polished version once the jam voting period is over.


Tentaculord2_win_1_0_RC2.zip 56 MB
Nov 17, 2024

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