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this game is pretty frustrating but i got them nude on every level. C was a nightmare but i found a workable strat, even managed it with 1 point extra. but yea C and D couldve been better designed, the game is heavily favoured towards defence already and those maps make it alot worse, because with the goal in the corner, the potential angles of attack are literally halved. when the map funnels into a single point like that its so trivial to defend. i think that D was better because there was only 1 reload point and it wasnt directly in the middle of the 2 best paths to reach the goal (like in c). 

getting them to target the right girls is such a hassle, it feels like my own characters are working against what im trying to do most of the time. this is especially frustrating when i panic an enemy on my side of the map. i think that panicking an enemy should probably be something im rewarded for, but when theyre right up close to my girls, panicked, it can feel like its impossible to position correctly to hit someone bolting towards my goal. ive tried to abuse this myself by having one of my girls tank all the hits so i can sneak another past for free, but the other team end up ignoring my tank. (theyre doing this despite my other girls being further away than the tank, whats up w that??? do they operate under different rules to the player?) also, i dont think its a good thing generally that a girl can get stunlocked if they keep getting hit. ive had a few games where i had a girl stuck on the enemies side of the map that i couldnt move away, or had an enemy perpetually panicking right in front of me wether im trying to do that or not. with these points in mind, seems to me like panicked girls shouldnt be targetable.

another good idea, i think, would be to make girls with no balloons low priority targets, so that even if the balloonless babe is closer than a ballooned-up bimbo, the girl who actually poses a threat is the one targeted. AND friendly fire shouldnt exist (i dont know if its meant to because it seems extremely inconsistent, but) every time its happened my face went bright beet red and smoke plumed out of my ears

also i wish the opponents were actually aggressive ever?? theres moments where i have zero ammo and all 3 girls out of position meanwhile the opponents are ammo'd up and they RUN BACK TO THEIR GOAL ALL 3. holy moly. being able to bait the enemies into pushing up so that i can punish them would probably be fun, it sorta happens on D and A a little but on C i havent seen them leave the top quadrant of the map a single time

i found all the endings to be pretty lackluster. having 3 of the exact same (kind of poor) animation playing out on screen really distracts from whatever lewd value i mightve gotten from them. honestly more fun watching them run around in the wet shirts. also the nerdy glasses girl has a FUCKED UP HUGE HEAD its so gross actually i hate looking at her.

did not intend this comment to be so long. sorry if i took your funny wet shirt game too seriously. do you plan on working on it any more?

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I got wrecked on my first try, but I got it the second time around XD My strategy was to leave 2 defending on the center, and have one sneak around. It seems to be a 100% win strategy, but I am one point short of a fully nude victory. That is a great incentive to play more aggressively, even when you are sure to win the round, great design. My request would be that it be easier to see who on the opponent's team still has balloons, and a small voice acted sound with each successful hit. Great work :)

Also, if you wanted to continue the game for a commercial release, a tournament campaign would be great, as well as some sort of unlockables. Maybe different swimsuit styles, or cosplay.

I see what you're going for, but I don't think the simultaneous turns works well. There's too many times where an opponent slips pass all of my characters because they all ganged up on another opponent. There should be a priority option or something when selecting Attack.

And an enemy HUD. That would be useful too.


in those situations it's good to tell some of your team to spread out and keep only 1 in the same place. the one not moving will throw imidiately and the others will throw after they've moved at the enemy closest to them. just make sure they don't move further than the enemy team or they will throw before your girls get a chance. it's a learning curve and i spent like 6 hours learning it last night and i regret nothing!!

except the lack of sleep... 

6 hours? Wow. By my calculation I didn't expect anyone to spend more than two hours with my game. Thank you for your dedication.

yeh, played again last night too... i become hooked on games like this fairly easily. trying to beat area C and D with all opponents nude. got close on C. basically just bumrushed with the full squad and got to 4 points. D just kept ending in draws and is really just impossible to gain ground on.

fun game but fuck that last arena. 1 reload spot is brutal.

Yeah, I am not that happy with the arenas C and D myself. Their concepts don't work nearly as well as they did in my head :)

great game you should add more girls.

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Any ideas for character archetypes I could add?


can you add an indian girl? long black hair with a bindi, glasses possibly?

add a chubby nerdy girl too.


how about a muscly gal with a toned body who doesn't cover up as you remove clothes

or a more western themed girl that wears a cowgirl hat and has braided hair and freckles

or one of the teachers/school nurse trying to show she can still be spontanious at her age

or the principal herself enters the contest on a bet to shut it down if her team wins

or alternitively you could add male characters(though that may mess up the narrative) 

or maybe dip into the fantasy/sifi side of things and add a succubus, elf, or robot character/cosplayer

or maybe add an influencer girl  who's only in it for the likes/subs she'll get on her social accounts

also maybe add snippy dialogue between characters during the matches. actually give them some character outside of thier bio. or a story mode could be fun too.